About me

I am a philosopher of science and conceptual theoretical biologist, which means that I work on conceptual questions in and about the (mainly life) sciences. This is philosophical research, as it encompasses conceptual analysis, and systematic inquiry into the epistemological and metaphysical aspects of scientific theories and practices. It is also work in theoretical science, as it does not just look at science from the outside, but participates in theory building in the sciences by clarifying theoretical problems and proposing conceptual approaches to resolving these. Accordingly, I publish my work both in philosophy journals and in science journals. For details on my current work and academic background, see my academic bio.


I am from The Hague on the Dutch North Sea coast. I was educated at Aloysius College and Leiden University, and am an alumnus of L.V.V.S. Augustinus in Leiden. I divide my time between East Lansing, Michigan, and Hannover, Germany. But: Zoo ik ièts ben, ben ik een Hagenaar.


about The hannover philosophy of the life sciences group

At my university I run a small group in the philosophy of the life sciences. It currently consists of the following people:

  • Karim Baraghith (former postdoc in my DFG-ANR project The Explanatory Scope of Generalized Darwinism; now as a PI of his own DFG project Graphs and Networks as Explanatory Tools in Cultural Evolutionary Theory) which is hosted at my chair.
  • Ina Gawel (PhD student funded by DFG GRK 2073).
  • Martin Wasmer (PhD student in the BMBF project The Ontological Status of Genome Edited Organisms).
  • Frank M. Fischer (PhD student, not on project funding). 


  • Hugh Desmond (former postdoc in the Templeton project Agency and Agential Explanation in the Evolutionary Sciences).
  • Martina Valković (former PhD student in the DFG-ANR project The Explanatory Scope of Generalized Darwinism). Dissertation: Cultural Evolution: A Critical View. PhD in Philosophy completed 2024.
  • Stefano Canali (former PhD student funded by DFG GRK 2073). Dissertation: The Role of Data and Technology in Contemporary Biomedicine: Integrating Evidence to Study the Relation Between Disease and the Environment (co-supervised with Sabina Leonelli). PhD in Philosophy completed 2019.
  • Celso Neto (former PhD student, not on project funding). Dissertation: Biological Lineages in Philosophical Focus. Celso started his PhD in Hannover, moved to finish his PhD at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Marc Ereshefsky (and with me as a committee member). PhD in Philosophy completed 2020.
  • Koko Kwisda (PhD student, not on project funding). Dissertation: Ethical and Regulatory Aspects Regarding Xenotransplantation (second supervisor). PhD in Natural Sciences completed 2023.



Institute of Philosophy

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Lange Laube 6 (Room 217)

30159 Hannover, Germany

Email: reydon [at] ww [dot] uni-hannover.de

Web:  LUH Institute of Philosophy

Map: here


Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences (CELLS)

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Otto-Brenner-Straße 1 (Room 811)

30159 Hannover, Germany

Email: thomas [dot] reydon [at] cells [dot] uni-hannover.de


Map: here